Our Work
North East Design Consultants are a one stop shop for all your web design, graphic design, on-line marketing and illustration needs. When a client comes on board with NEDC they remain a client of ours. We do not forget that they exist.
All our work is:
- Designed to create the maximum impact
- To get your company’s products, services and messages across quickly
- To gather useful data for marketing and to engage with your target audience
- Tailored to suit your businesses individual needs and requirements
- Bespoke designed – no templates here
- Versatile and adaptable
- Created to expand as you expand
- Developed to communicate more effectively with your potential clients
In addition, NEDC can:
- Offer full reports on your current site and advise how to improve what you already have
- Manage your content for you so your site is kept up-to-date
- Advise on email marketing and social media, and how to integrate into your site
- Offer full reports on how your site is performing
But don’t just take our word for what we can do, read our testimonials to find out what our clients say about us.